Don’t Be THAT Guy - Part 5

Group Questions

1. Have you experienced a situation where secrecy or hidden behaviors led to consequences or regrets in your life or the lives of others?
2. What did Ananias and Sapphira do wrong? Do you think they got what they deserved?
3. Reflecting on the story of Ananias and Sapphira, how does their story illustrate the dangers of living a double life or succumbing to the lure of hidden intentions?
4. Have you identified any personal "rides" or destructive patterns in your life that you need to step away from? How do you plan to approach an exit ramp from these destructive cycles? Who in your life could help?
5. The message references the fear that seized the church in response to the events surrounding Ananias and Sapphira. How does fear play a role in our acknowledgment of sin and our journey toward grace and redemption? Is fear a helpful or hindering factor in this process?
6. Can you share any experiences where embracing support systems or seeking guidance and accountability helped you or someone you know break away from destructive cycles or patterns in their lives?
7. In your view, how does understanding the depth of God's forgiveness impact your journey of acknowledging and turning away from destructive behaviors?


God of the Interruption - Part 6


Comfort & Courage - Part 4